Residency FAQ
What types of artists should apply to the residency?
This is a multi-disciplinary residency program. We accept artists in the following specialties: visual artists, poets, writers, composers/musicians, scientists, scholars, architects, playwrights, and screenwriters. ​
Can international artists apply?
We accept US citizens living abroad and anyone currently residing in the US.
How do you define emerging?
We view emerging as a life phase; this could mean an artist is just coming out of school, but may also mean an artist is at a later stage when they finally are able to dedicate themselves to their work. It could also mean that an artist is experimenting with a new practice, form, or experiencing a new life phase due to personal growth or change.
Are alumni eligible to attend again?
Alumni are eligible to reapply three years after their last residency; e.g. an artist who attend in fall of 2021 may reapply to attend again for the fall of 2024.
Can a partner, family member, or pet visit or stay at the PBF?
Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight in our facilities. However, we encourage visits, especially with pets; many have enjoyed spending time in our gardens in the past.
What amenities are provided?
In the renovated 1840’s house, artists have their own private bedrooms and may share bathrooms. There is a fully functional kitchen, access to the garden, studios, and during office hours, access to Dr. Bullough’s complete collection and library. Artists are given $550 toward food, supplies, and necessities for their stay.
Is the Foundation ADA accessible?
No, unfortunately not at this time. For detailed questions regarding accessibility, please contact PBF staff. The residency house has bedrooms on the second floor only right now, and they are accessible via a large central staircase with a handrail (the house is from the 1840's). The garden that separates the residence from the studio space has paths lined with brick pavers and pea gravel and contains a few, shallow steps that have no handrail, but do have structures adjacent to them that could be used for some additional support. There are three steps into the studio space, with a handrail adjacent, and then one final step into the studio through a doorway. The studio space contains a bathroom on the same floor. One bathroom in the residency building has a walk-in shower that is elevated two to three inches above the floor. More on our facilities may be found here.
Is smoking allowed?
Smoking is not allowed inside any buildings.
Does the Foundation provide studio equipment such as a kiln, metal/wood shop, etc.?
The PBF supplies the following materials for use in a private studio space: a 6 color 6 screen press, sawhorses, easels, shop vac, flammable waste disposal, sewing machine, and a utility cart. We have also partnered with an excellent local organization, Valley Makers, to use their shop at no charge to our artists.
There is space for artists to work inside or outside in the garden, weather-permitting. Artists may bring equipment that they own, are comfortable using, and can easily and safely transport and use at the PBF.
What art stores are available locally?
There are no specialized art stores nearby beyond Michael’s. Feel free to bring supplies with you or coordinate with PBF staff to have supplies delivered as you need them. The are fabric stores, lumberyards, and hardware stores nearby.
Can I ship supplies to the PBF for my residency?
Yes, supplies may also be shipped to the PBF at 120 W Cork Street, Winchester, VA 22601.
What transportation is provided?
Pick up from Dulles airport or the Martinsburg, WV train station is provided during business hours and must be coordinated with PBF staff. The PBF is within walking distance to downtown Winchester. Uber and Lyft are available, as well as local taxi companies. Winchester has some public transit, but it is not always convenient; residents may coordinate with staff on local transportation needs once here.
What is expected of me while attending the Peter Bullough Foundation?
We have created an environment untethered from normal responsibilities for you to work in; we hope you’ll invest time and energy into creating and practicing your art. You are not expected to donate art to the PBF at the end of your time here, but we do ask that you give back to the local community while here. Staff are happy to help coordinate a workshop or talk or connect you with other local organizations. Finally, while you’re here, we ask that you observe the PBF's code of conduct, respecting the collections and property, as well as that of other residents and our neighbors. Disrespectful and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and could result in being asked to leave early.
What organizations have you partnered with in the past?
We've been fortunate to partner with the wonderful following organizations for lectures and workshops: AIDS Response Effort, LGBTQ+ Center, Evans Home, Handley Regional Library, Laurel Ridge Community College, Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, Winchester Area NAACP, Shenandoah University, Timbrook Achievement Center, Winchester Area SPCA, and 1455 Literary Arts. We look forward to future partnerships with these and other organizations.
What policies do you have in place?
You can read our Code of Ethics, Diversity & Inclusion, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use here!
"It's better to support young artists than to waste your money on dead artists."
- Dr. Peter G. Bullough